Tuesday, May 28, 2013

In Memory Of.

This past week has been fairly hectic. Last Wednesday, I had to drive home to the cities to buy a new car from my dad, since my car had broken down the week before. Only issue, the new car was a stick shift and I have never driven a stick shift before. Luckily, I caught on fairly fast since I had to be in Aberdeen, SD by 2pm on Friday for a tree planting for a friend of mine, Casey Luedke, that had past away this past January.

I had met Casey when I was a sophomore in high school; he had been the neighbor across the street of my high school sweetheart. In high school we did not hang out much, but we had definitely come in contact with each other multiple times. Last summer, I had an internship with South Dakota Wheat Growers in Aberdeen, SD. The first month I was there I was extremely bored and was having a hard time meeting people since my co-workers were an older crowd, and then I had remembered that Casey went to Northern – a 4-year college in Aberdeen. I remember the night I texted him and let him know what I was also living in Aberdeen for the summer; he invited me to go to his roommate’s softball game that night, and I decided to take him up on the offer. That was the moment that Casey and I became better friends, and the moment that I began to have a good time in Aberdeen and meet other friends. I am extremely thankful that Casey introduced me to all his friends and invited me on the many activities that we embarked; they are memories I will always remember!

The moment I learned of his passing on the morning of January 1st, 2013, I was shocked, angry, confused, and in denial. It was hard to go through since no one in Fargo had known Casey and could not understand my devastation. This past weekend was a wonderful memory of the great friends and family that Casey has. A tree and plaque were donated by the South Dakota Game, Fish, and Parks and was planted about 6 miles West of Aberdeen. A group of about 20 family members, friends, and co-workers showed for the planting of the tree. It is planted in a spot that Casey would absolutely love!

Casey was a wonderful friend that would do anything for anyone and was extremely accepting. 
He will be missed by so many.

"When you have shot one bird flying you have shot all birds flying. They are all different and they fly in different ways but the sensation is the same and the last one is as good as the first."

- Ernest Hemingway

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